10 Unique Cities To Visit In Morocco

Charis Raji
6 min readJan 11, 2021


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Morocco is worth visiting. With a range from exquisite architecture to diverse cultural influences, ancient cities, beautiful mountain ranges and dazzling deserts, this country is definitely a getaway to Africa.

The country’s mixed Arab and Berber forms a strong national identity and contributes to the rich tradition and cultural practices that can be observed in the country today.

In this article, we’ll be going through unique cities to visit in Morocco, what they have to offer and reasons to visit Morocco. Don’t forget your seatbelts, we’re going for a long ride.

Reasons To Visit Morocco

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  1. Morocco has four imperial cities: Fes, Meknes, Rabat and Marrakesh. With Rabat being the country’s capital, it holds interesting historical attractions such as the Old Medina, the Hassan Tower and the Gleaming Royal Mausoleum which are worth visiting.
  2. You have easy access to the Sahara desert. There are several places you can begin expeditions into the desert.
  3. You get to see taste cuisines to satisfy varied taste.
  4. Morocco is a society with hospitable people.
  5. Morocco has buildings to admire; from the majestic mosques to traditional riads to brilliant palaces.

Cities To Visit In Morocco

  1. Casablanca
Photo by Gabriel Garcia from Pexels

This city is tagged Morocco’s most cosmopolitan city and sits on the Atlantic Coast. Casablanca has two medinas- Old and New Medinas- where you can go shopping for antiques or feed your eyes on the beautiful city.

What to Do In Casablanca:

i. Visit the Arab league park. This is an urban pack located in the centre of the city.

ii. Tour the Abderrahman Slaoui Museum. Named after, as you guessed right, Abderrahman; a Moroccan businessman and art collector. The museum displays collections of old posters, Moroccan jewellery, figurative and crystal paintings.

iii. Marvel at Hassan II Mosque. Its minaret is the world’s second tallest. This mosque showcases Moroccan artisanship, hand-carved stones and wood.

2. Meknes

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The city of Meknes is famous for its historical sites and also one of the old Imperial sites.

Things to do in Meknes:

i. Get to know the city more by heading over to Dar Jamai Museum.

ii. Take a memorable day trip to Volubilis. This is one of the best-preserved ancient sites in Morocco, the ruins offer a fascinating insight into the city.

iii. Meknes hosts several places of architectural and historic interests including Heri es-Souani, The Mausoleum of Moulay Ismail and Borj Bel Kari. Tour the city’s landmarks and historic interests.

3. Chefchaouen

Photo by Ryutaro Tsukata from Pexels

This place is visually appealing with appropriate blue walls and majestic mountains overlooking the characterful town. It is referred to as the Blue Pearl or Blue City.

Things to do in Chefchaouen:

i. Take a walk to Place El Houta.

ii. Admiring the Grande Mosque is one of the best things to do in the Blue City. Non-muslims are not allowed into the mosque.

iii. Learn about Chefchaouen’s history at the Kasbah Museum.

4. Marrakech

Photo by JR Harris on Unsplash

The city of Marrakech is the first of Morocco’s imperial cities. The ancient city is known as the Medina which was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985. The heart of the Medina is called Jemaa el-Fna.

Things to do in Marrakech:

i. Head over to Yves Saint Laurent Museum to get a glimpse of some of the works of Yves Saint Laurent, fashion shows and performances.

ii. Tour David Bloch Gallery which is dedicated to contemporary art.

iii. Head over to Bab ad-Debbagh.

5. Asilah

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This little city is a beach town on the coast of Morocco. Asilah is a fresh and bright destination that provides a mixture of Spain and Moroccan traditions.

Things to do in Asilah:

i. Shop in some souks for some antiques or souvenirs. Asilah’s market day is on Thursday.

ii. Get henna tattoos.

iii. Admire the artworks and arrive just in time for Asilah festival.

6. Rabat

Photo by Meliani Idriss from Pexels

The city of Rabat is the capital of Morocco. It holds impressive architectural works, historical artifacts and mesmerizing cultures. The country’s royal family resides in this city.

Things to do in Rabat:

i. Visit the National Zoo(either alone or with family). The environment is pleasant and is home to a variety of animals.

ii. Visit the Hassan Tower.

iii. If you enjoy going to museums, head over to the archaeological museum.

7. Tangier

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This is the third most popular city in Morocco where past and present intermingles. It holds various Spanish-Moorish architectures and wondrous works by local craftsmen.

Great artists like Paul Bowles, Delacroix, Tennessee Williams have been inspired by this city’s charm. it happens to be the birthplace of a historical figure, Ibn Battuta.

Things to do in Tangier:

i. Visit Hercules Caves. It is said to have ancient links to Greek myths.

ii. Relax at the beaches of Tangier.

iii. Head over to Tangier American Legation Museum(a museum with history and art exhibits.)

8. Ouarzazate

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A film-making location and a primary tourist destination in Morocco. It’s tagged mini- Hollywood given that Morocco’s biggest studios invite International companies to work here.

Things to do in Ouarzazate:

i. Check out Benhaddou.

ii. Head over to Oscar Hotels to see different film locations.

iii. Tour the Taourirt Kasbah.

9. Fez

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The city of Fez is one of Morocco’s largest cities and has stayed the same. The city remains Morocco’s spiritual heart, thanks to its strong ties to Islamic scholars and religious schools.

Fez retains much of the traditional culture that has defined it, and it has a centre for teaching the traditional crafts of Morocco such as intricate wood carving, hand-wrought metalsmithing and zellige tilework.

Things to do in Fez:

i. Visit Dar Batha, a former royal palace located in the heart of the medina in Fez.

ii. Tour Jnan Sbil, a garden in Fez.

iii. Visit the ornate Blue Gate.

10. Tetouan

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Nicknamed the White Dove, and was formerly known as Titawin. The Spanish new city has the look and feel of an imperial city. The city is a commercial centre with an economy based on crafts and light manufacturing. Spanish is spoken in this part of the country.

Things to do in Tetouan:

i. Awe at the La Paloma Blanca Monument.

ii. Visit the Green Olive Center

iii. Learn a little about the city by heading over to the medina of Tetouan.

Glad you made it this far, don’t forget to go along with your cameras to take photos to create wonderful memories. Morocco is indeed a beautiful country and you will get to know more as you explore each city.

See you on the other side. Don’t forget to drop your thoughts in the comment section.

